Episode 6

February 07, 2023


How to be an Agenteur™ with Navid Moosa

Hosted by

Steve Seymour

Show Notes

Welcome to the investor agent podcast where we are transforming mindsets from scarcity and lack to abundance and wealth! Through collaboration with high-level investors and business owners, we share the secrets of creating generational wealth and providing a pathway to financial freedom to help you fulfill your life's potential.

On this episode of the VRA Investor Agent Podcast, we have the pleasure of interviewing Navid Moosa.

“I am Navid Moosa and I’ve been in real estate for a little over 20 years and licensed for over 15 years. Being a real estate consultant I provide the best real estate consulting services. I’m the creator of the term “Agenteur™” and the podcast host, Mr. Save A Home: Becoming an Agenteur

I have no clue how many transactions I have done, nor do I care, in all honesty. I know the clients are happy and the bills are paid – pretty simple if you ask me. My initial entry into real estate was for bank-owned properties, aka REOs, and short sales. I tried the residential route about a year or two after getting my license, but it wasn’t for me. I know what most of my strengths and weaknesses are. I strive to work on that daily.


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Welcome to the Investor Agent Podcast. I'm Steve Seymour, your host, where we help transform the human mindset from scarcity and lack to abundance of wealth, one conversation at a time. I'm Steve Seymour here with the Investor Agent Podcast. Today we have Nav Musa on Navi. Thank you for being on. Speaker 1 00:00:19 Thanks for having me. I appreciate it. Speaker 0 00:00:22 So, you know, I always like to get a little backstory. Um, avid has, he's definitely has a lot of different experience in real estate in different areas and, um, versus going into all of them, I kind of want to go back to the beginning. Speaker 1 00:00:36 Okay. Speaker 0 00:00:37 So what, what really got you started in real estate? What, what's kicked it off for you? Speaker 1 00:00:42 I used to be a tell out of the bank and this guy worked for the state. He'd come in every so often with big checks from his name or his wife's name, I curiosity at the best of me. I said, what do you do <laugh>? I was like, I know you work for the state, but you're also got these big checks. And he was like, what are you doing Saturday? Uh, can you meet me at this? Gimme an address. I said, okay. So I went down there and he showed me, and it was a three house hacking, as they call it now. Right. So it's a three unit place. He was like, I buy it. I tell him I live in it. And I ran out the other two and I use F HHA financing and then I just refinanced it out and I'm like, wait, what? You know? So that got my interest. Yeah. Then he was just refinancing cash out. So then that was the bur method and the whole house hacking. Speaker 0 00:01:25 So these big checks was really what it was. It was a big check. I'm not gonna lie, you're bank teller and you're like, what is going Speaker 1 00:01:30 On? Yeah. I'm making my, my seven 50 an hour <laugh>. You know, he's not making seven 50 an hour. And so I said, that got me interest. I'm gonna lie. It was, it was the money. Yeah, it is what it's, and so I bought my own place in 2000. It got foreclosed on 2001 <laugh>. Oh wow. Right. A couple years later it gets foreclosed. I'm like, yeah, real estate sucks. It's not for Speaker 0 00:01:49 Me. Education. Speaker 1 00:01:49 Yeah. Yeah, education. Hard knocks. Right. So, uh, anyways, so that was that. I, I back out of it saying real estate sucks. And then I'm talking about it so much that my brother gets sick and tired of it. And for my 30th birthday, he's like, here, I bought you the real estate classes. Go get your license. Ah, I'm sick and tired of you talking about it. And in oh five, I May 31st, 2005 is when I took my test and I passed. It got licensed and, and that was it. And the re you know what, June, July, 3, 2, 3 months later, I put my notice in at my job and no plan except to go do real estate. That was it, Speaker 0 00:02:25 <laugh>. And when you say do real estate, did you go down that traditional path doing the sales end? Yeah, Speaker 1 00:02:29 I did the sales end. I felt, I realized I sucked at that <laugh>, I really, really bad. I did. I was not a patient guy. Speaker 0 00:02:35 Is that why you wear the shirt? Speaker 1 00:02:36 Unemployable? I can't work for anybody else. Yeah, I can't. So I, um, I did it. I sucked at it and I realized I sucked at it. And so I went into the investing side. And the funny thing is I just thought every realtor knew the investing side. I just assumed that, well, if I know it, you know it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that wasn't the case. Speaker 0 00:02:57 They don't teach you that in, in the real estate licensing. Do they Speaker 1 00:03:00 Don't, no, they don't teach you about BPOs. They don't teach you about they you CMAs. Speaker 0 00:03:04 Yeah. For listing find, find off market deals, how to find off market, how negotiate Speaker 1 00:03:08 Private money lenders, hard money lenders. Speaker 0 00:03:10 None of it. None Speaker 1 00:03:11 Of it. You know. And I'm just like, why not <laugh>? Why aren't you showing this stuff? Yeah. Speaker 0 00:03:16 They keep the best part of the business hidden. Speaker 1 00:03:18 Yeah. So anyways, so, so that was that man, and I've just been down that path for, you know, over 15 years. That was it. Speaker 0 00:03:25 You know? That's cool. So tell us like, what, what really got you shifted from the invest? You know, cuz once you build that sales Yeah. Funnel, you know, you get in the, in the, uh, routine of thing, it's, it's actually hard to change directions sometimes. Did something happen that had you get back into the investing? Speaker 1 00:03:43 So Yeah. Speaker 0 00:03:44 Um, and what, what does that progression look like too? Speaker 1 00:03:47 So everyone's experiences are different, right. It all depends what you go through. So for me, when I got my license, I went into the investing side as far as not really being an investor, but doing lot of foreclosures Speaker 0 00:03:57 Working Yeah. Know. Speaker 1 00:03:58 Okay. Yeah. Working as an R agent. As Speaker 0 00:04:00 A, okay. Yes. I directly with the banks and Speaker 1 00:04:02 Directly with the banks, getting listings and stuff like that and doing that. And then I would see investors take my listings, if you will, and then do a double close right at the table. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So they were wholesaling it, I guess. Yeah. But they're doing a double close and I'm seeing, again, more checks. So I'm like, what is this? You know, what's this about wholesaling side of stuff? And so I'm like, okay, I like being an aerial agent because it's fast-paced, it's aggressive. Um, and, but I like the investor side, so how do I kind of marry them both? Right. So that was a big hard goal I wanted to kind of accomplish, and it, it, it was a struggle. And so the more and more I did it, the more I said, Hey, there's something here. I think as agents, if I put a realtor hat on, we're not getting right. There's, it is like, like a switch, if you will. And that to me it was, well how come as a real estate agent, I get license, all that kind of stuff. My commission check is 1500 bucks, but as an investor, my check is 10 x that number. Speaker 0 00:05:02 I know the feeling Speaker 1 00:05:03 <laugh>. Right. So you're like, why did I go to school for Speaker 0 00:05:05 It? It's a very, very similar story to what happened with me. But it's interesting. Yeah. Right. Speaker 1 00:05:10 Yeah. So Speaker 0 00:05:11 <laugh>, so then, so obviously you, you saw the writing was on the wall and you're like, I have to, I have to, I have to get on the other side of the table. Speaker 1 00:05:18 Yeah. And it wasn't just don't about money also, but, but it was the freedom that it kind of bought you, if you will. And by that I mean the investors I was dealing with is here on here Friday, I'm getting ready to go home or go do some showings and task on Saturday, Sunday where they're going away for the weekend. And I'm like, I should be going away for the weekend. <laugh>, I'm doing all this work and you're getting the conversation. I should be doing this. So I had a, and and, and it was a balance because as a real estate agent, you know, you got open houses, showings and all this kind of stuff. I'm dating myself. Cause this was back in the early two thousands or the early on in the, in the, the decade of the century, whatever. Um, how do I do that? And your broker respectfully, your brokers don't want you to do wholesaling. They don't want you to invest cause they don't get that money. Right. Speaker 0 00:06:05 It doesn't fuel their business. Speaker 1 00:06:07 No, it doesn't. Speaker 0 00:06:08 And, uh, it fuels your pockets and lines. Your pockets not theirs. Speaker 1 00:06:11 Exactly. And, um, and I hope I don't, I don't know how what you guys allow, what you don't allow, but like, Speaker 0 00:06:15 Well, we want to keep it real. I mean Okay. <laugh>, you know, look, agents have their place and they do an amazing thing for so many clients, right? Yes. But then at, at what point as an agent, you know, are you undercutting yourself when there's investment opportunities for you to buy? Yeah. And you, you know, you're doing it for a small piece of the pie when you could have a much larger piece of the pie and own it. Speaker 1 00:06:34 Yeah. So I I I jokingly say brokerage are the pimps and the agents are the prosecutors. Speaker 0 00:06:38 Oh, <laugh>, I you sell it. Not me. Speaker 1 00:06:42 So that's why I say, I'm like, listen, we're getting pimped out here on these streets. Yeah. You know what we're doing, but it is what it is we signed up for no one put a gun to our head. And, but it's up to us as, and I say us, the royal us, uh, to, to take that mind and shift it. Right? We had to be, we should be, if we call ourselves independent contractors, what does that really mean? Okay. Oh, I'll work for myself. What do you, if you have to, if you have to go out there and market and prospect and look for the next listing or the next buyer for the next property, you're really working for them. You're not really working for yourself. Right. That, that absolutely. To me, that's what Speaker 0 00:07:16 It was. I see what you Speaker 1 00:07:17 Mean. Yep. That's what it was. So I was like, you know what, I'm gonna start marketing myself to get my own deals and create my own inventory, create my own listings and stuff like that, and I'm gonna be my own buyer. And so I build a team, it was like, Hey, listen, I'm gonna be the buyer. You can be my buyer's agent. Right. So I don't need to make all the money. There's enough money around. Speaker 0 00:07:34 Absolutely. Like Speaker 1 00:07:35 We spoke briefly Speaker 0 00:07:36 Before. Yeah. There was a little piece of the deal, or you want the bigger piece. Speaker 1 00:07:38 Exactly. And I was like, Hey, listen, let's do it this way. So it just kind of, you know, meeting people like, um, like you have, you know, mainly in, in, in your office meeting her and, and meeting other people and just kind of going from there where a as you meet more people, understand, you can always learn from somebody. I guess I'm 20 years in the business, that doesn't mean I can't learn someone who's only two years in the business. Right. I, and Speaker 0 00:08:04 Yeah, you don't know what you don't know. And there's always, yeah. There's always something to learn from. Speaker 1 00:08:07 There's a one trigger. Yeah. So, um, I don't know where I was going with that, but I guess the point was Yeah. Yeah. Was just that, hey, listen, we're agents let, I was telling before my thing is I want to coach and empower people that you don't have to wait for someone else to feed you. You can feed yourself, Speaker 0 00:08:22 Take full ownership. Speaker 1 00:08:23 A hundred percent. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:08:25 A hundred ownership. That's really what I hear in that it's like, you know, don't rely on your broker to, you know, tell you to go stir up these Yeah. Chase around buyer leads and you know, like you said, create your own inventory. Yeah. Yeah. So talk, talk about that. Like creating your own inventory and how, how did you go about doing that? Speaker 1 00:08:41 So initially what it was, like I said, it was a lot of Rios, right? So a lot of foreclosures. Now, when you do a lot of foreclosures, you're gonna get a lot of investor buyers, right? So now your buyer's list kind of grows up. Now again, you have to read the room, you have to kind of thing outside the box box I could have, and which I did at first was, okay, well I have all these buyers, let me keep going after Ariel account, so I'm going to conferences and I'm going to this event Sure. This event and trying to get that. But then I didn't think about it and I was like, wait a minute, if I have all these buyers here and they're buying this detailed properties, they're telling me they're bar their criteria. So why don't I market to that criteria? Right? So if you're coming to me and saying, give me all your, you know, do you have any three bedrooms? I used to saying, well, I don't have any three bedrooms, one bath, single families and, and one, you know, the zip code listed, right? But I'm like, well, wait a minute. You're telling me what you want. Speaker 0 00:09:33 Let me go out and find Speaker 1 00:09:34 It. Let me go out and find it. Yep. Let me go out and find it. And I did that at first, right? I went out just like, as a traditional agent, you prospect, right? You go do that, but you grab it as a traditional listing, that's what you want. I shifted and said, I, I'm gonna grab it, but not as a listing. I'm gonna grab it so I can sell it to this person directly. You know? And then there's a whole, of course I had disclosure and all that kind of stuff, and I get that. But like we said before, your brokers don't get a cut at that. Right? So I wasn't with the brokerage who was, who had encouraged it, they were kinda like, well, no, if you get it, you should list it and put it through and da, da da, da. I'm like, okay. And I, I, they, I'm not a broker. I don't wanna piss them off. I understand. You know, you have expenses. You, it's a business. I get it. Right. Um, but at the same time I'm like, it's not like you're not doing any, I'm doing more for myself than you are. So I get it that you have that. But do you really need to be in my pocket for every last bit of single thing? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I just didn't like Speaker 0 00:10:27 That. Yeah, I get that too. <laugh>. So you shifted from AEO agent to wholesaling mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And essentially you've been wholesaling now for how long? Speaker 1 00:10:37 Over 15 years. Speaker 0 00:10:38 And just scaled that up and got into Yes. Don't you talk a little bit of, you know, fast forward to today, and you don't have to list everything that you're doing, but just at least a major, major, um, buckets that you have going Speaker 1 00:10:51 On. Um, so I've got the wholesaling component. Um, I have a property management company. I've got a construction company within that I've got, and then my latest venture is coaching and mentoring. So it's basically taking real estate agents, empowering them to become investors, while maintaining the real estate hat as a realtor hat. And also teaching investors, novice investors to say, here's how you can get started out there, um, in a more personable Speaker 0 00:11:19 Way. That's awesome. So you have, like, you, you basically have the whole gamut where you have the deal flow coming in with the wholesale deals mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And along with that, I'm assuming, assuming your buyers, right? Your buyers list, that will scoop up those properties Yep. And then you can actually help them with the management end. Speaker 1 00:11:34 Correct. So it's a, it's an Speaker 0 00:11:35 Ecosystem and then Yeah. Now coaching people to fill that whole thing. And I, it's really awesome what you built. Speaker 1 00:11:42 You get plugged into it. Right? So we will find, you know, hey, I can show you how to find properties and you want us to manage it. We have a construction crew. We'll, I'll manage it for you as well. We'll do turnkey. Woo. I have guys who's saying, listen, I'm busy. I'm an engineer, I'm a doctor, I'm this, I just want to collect a check every single month. Okay, we'll find the property for you. We'll get it renovated and we'll get it rented out and then we'll charge a management fee. And then you're, you're, Speaker 0 00:12:07 It's a great model. You have Speaker 1 00:12:08 A donor, right? So, Speaker 0 00:12:09 And it's providing a ton of value because it's really hard to find the deal. It's really hard to manage the deal. Yeah. <laugh>. So you kind of took like the two hardest pieces out of the equation. Yeah. And for an investor that, you know, maybe has a W2 job that Correct. Has the income and they want to diversify into real estate as a alternative investment. And Speaker 1 00:12:27 It's funny you say that cuz it was dumb luck. I was, I was selling my, my coaching courses, somebody in, in, in, uh, California. And I said, Hey, it's gonna take like five, 10 hours a week of your own personal time to learn how to get these deals and whatever. I'll show you coach you, but you have to go do it. He's like, ah, I don't got that time. I don't want that time. Can I just pay you to do it? And he was like, light bulb. And I'm like, oh yeah, <laugh>, I'm gonna charge you for it. Yeah. But if you want it, yeah, I can do it. He was like, just go ahead and do it. What do you want? I gave him a figure. He said, I'm gonna send it to you. So that was it. I was like, oh, okay. This turnkey thing actually got something going to it. Speaker 1 00:13:00 So if you can plug people into any kind of ecosystem where they don't, they don't want to do the work or they don't have the time to do the work, I should say. Um, they're like, that's fine. I don't have toru my life, you know, I'm married, I've got two kids. Um, and everyone knows me, knows I'm about my children. So for me, I respect and understand that, I understand that your kids, I wanna be there for everything for as much as possible for them. Um, so doing this real estate thing and doing wholesaling and doing property management, all that kind of stuff, and having a team that does all that provides that lifestyle for me. And when I start seeing it, I'm like, I gotta tell people, I gotta tell people this exists for them. It, this rat race isn't for everybody and it's for nobody. Sort Speaker 0 00:13:42 Of. Yeah. I mean, I love your mission and what you're doing because you know, you're taking the coaching aspect to expose them to what's possible and then show 'em they can do it themselves. And then also giving 'em an outlet to, you know, really make it happen without, cuz it's, it's a long learning curve to do direct mail to learn how to negotiate wholesale deals. And then, you know, finding the money happens to be kind of the easiest piece in my opinion. Even though it seems like the biggest obstacle Speaker 1 00:14:09 When you're new. Correct. When you, Speaker 0 00:14:11 It seems like the biggest obstacle, but in reality it's actually, it's just the cost of capital. So there's always, you know, there's always money out there. It's just how much does it cost. Speaker 1 00:14:20 Yeah. Yeah. And I think, Speaker 0 00:14:20 Um, and if you have the deal so that you really, I I, going back, I know I'm repeating myself, but it's like, it seems like, you know, in life you tend to get paid for the solutions you provide and you really took out the two biggest obstacles. Speaker 1 00:14:34 It it's providing value. Yep. Right? I mean, in, in the realtor world, what do they say? They say, you know, give your client the most amount of money, the least amount of time. Right. That's, they always teach at real estate school. Same concept. It's what's the value you're gonna provide. So if I can plug into an ecosystem that that takes a all the guesswork out, why not you, you know, and if I can show you how you can show your family and friends to do what I do and that's it. Um, to go back to your comment, the capital is the easiest part. Getting the money isn't, not that it's not hard, but it's, a lot of people think, well, I don't have any money. You don't need to have money. Speaker 0 00:15:07 Yeah. It's not hard to get money if it's hard money. Yeah. Right. It's just, that's more about just the deal itself. Yeah. There's always money out. The mo the money will follow the deal if you have it. Speaker 1 00:15:16 Yeah. I, and I think it's a, a personal relationship with money. Right? So a lot of people think, I don't like to ask for money, I don't like to borrow money. And I get that. I do. I totally get that. And, but I, I quit the mind shift. If you can switch it to where you're not asking for money, where you're providing an opportunity Speaker 0 00:15:34 For someone else to Speaker 1 00:15:35 Invest. For someone to invest. Speaker 0 00:15:36 Yeah. That's smart. Speaker 1 00:15:36 Then they go, oh, right. Because Speaker 0 00:15:38 Big shift. Speaker 1 00:15:39 Exactly. Hey, can, can I borrow a hundred grand for this house? Uh, wait, what? <laugh> Hey, you know what? I have a house over here. I have an opportunity to get it at a really good price. I have a contractor lined up and I spoke to a realtor already. If you want, you and I can partner on it, it's gonna take a hundred grand of, of, of your cash to put into the deal. But I can manage the heavy load of it. I asked the same thing two different ways. So it's that shift, it's, it's the presentation of that for you asking for money, you're not gonna get it Speaker 0 00:16:07 Yik. It shifts from what's in it for me to what's in it for you. And it's, it's a big thing because I I've, I've seen that as well. And you're ultimately saying the same thing. Yes. Uh, but one way is <laugh> a benefit to them and one way is a benefit to you. Yeah. And everyone wants to win, right. So Yeah. And that's right. But you can create a win-win. Speaker 1 00:16:26 Absolutely. Especially in this be, you know, you've been a just if not longer right? There's so many avenues of real estate. So many, there's wholesale, there's the burr method, which I, I don't know what is going on, but Burr method seems to be like the hot topic. Yeah. It's been around for such a long time. You know, I'm like, and they're like, oh, bur, I'm like, okay. And like, but I have guys like us have to Speaker 0 00:16:49 Remember that. Yeah. The Burr method was the bur method before it came, the bur method before there was an acronym for it. Speaker 1 00:16:53 Yeah. You know, it's kind of like, yeah, I, I know this. And I was like, what is it? I'm like, it's this. Oh wow. I'm like, really? You don't know that yet? But I have to remember. Yeah. You know, I'm Speaker 0 00:17:03 Well a lot of in club, like now marketing it online Yeah. And the, you know, yeah, yeah. The exploitation of information out there. But you know, there's, I mean it's, there's some really valuable trainings on bur I'm not trying to downplay Speaker 1 00:17:18 It. No, absolutely. I'm not knocking you. Yeah. Yeah. It's just, it's funny because wholesale was at one point, what's wholesaling? Oh, I have no money so I can just buy this piece of paper and sell this piece of paper. Yeah. Boy, there's a little, Speaker 0 00:17:28 It's a lot more, more Speaker 1 00:17:29 Than that, you know? So the bird method is like the next wholesale as far as the hot topic goes. Yeah. You know, at least that's what I'm noticing. Speaker 0 00:17:36 Yeah. They act like it's a three step process and you just, you know, click a button and guess what? You're walking away with a ton of cash. Yeah. Tax free, you know. Yeah. Not always the case. Speaker 1 00:17:45 It's not always the case. You know, I just taught that class on Wednesday. It's funny you said that cuz the one guy was like, we're working over the numbers and he's leaving 30 grand into the deal and he's, he's upset, right? He's like, wow, am I getting a hundred percent my money back? I'm like, you're getting your full purchase price back, but you're not getting your renovation dollars back. Speaker 0 00:18:04 He's still leaving money in the deal. Yeah. He Speaker 1 00:18:06 Was like, oh, what the, what I was told on this one particular famous, you know, one famous website that I was supposed to get a hundred percent of everything back. I'm like, it's possible it can happen, but look at it this way. You just paid 30 grand to get into a four unit building, making you 4,200 bucks a Speaker 0 00:18:21 Month. Not too bad. Where Speaker 1 00:18:22 Else you gonna do that at? Yeah. You know, but Speaker 0 00:18:24 Your ROI is huge. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:18:26 Fucking phenomenal Right at that kind of number title. But it is where Speaker 0 00:18:30 It's, so let, do you mind diving into your coaching a little bit because Sure. You know, I know for me a lot of this business has evolved to like, get to somewhere. Yeah. Right? And you get to a certain place and you're like, all right, I've achieved a certain level of financial freedom mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and I'm gonna venture to guess that this is a big piece of why the coaching came about for you Yeah. Is that you're like, you almost feel compelled to give back and like help other people because if it changes your life, it's kind of like you go into Absolutely. A restaurant that changes your life or you watch a movie, you're like, this was amazing. You gotta do it. You know? And, and it kind of comes naturally. And I think I can already guess that that's a big piece of where it comes from, from the heart of like, I wanna make a difference. I want to really impact other people's lives. Yeah. So can you dive into your coaching and how you go about that? Speaker 1 00:19:17 Yeah. So the coaching program I have, and I struggle with it, right? Like, um, when the pandemic happened, when the pandemic hit everyone, kind of like, like most people, for the first two weeks we went in the corner, cried and sucked our thumbs saying what to do, what to do, what to do, right? And then you get over that, like, okay, shake it off, you know, suck it up buttercup. Speaker 0 00:19:33 Let's move. We're all gonna live, Speaker 1 00:19:34 We're all gonna live. We'll fine for the most part. Yeah. Yeah. We'll be fine. Um, so once I got out of that self-pity, the sulfur wall <inaudible> thing, I was like, I'm, I gotta create something because it was, I, I was gonna retire. I was legit. Like, I have everything paid, we have no expenses, we're good. I can, we can actually retire, you know? And I'm on like 40, 45 or 46 years old. I'm like, I guys should retire. But I was like, uh, there's something in me says I won't retire. I'm still gonna be the guy who finds something wanted to do. So I created this online course initially, didn't do very well as far as marketing it. So then the coaching aspect came up. What I've decided if it works or not, who the hell knows, to be honest. Okay. But I, at least I like to think. Speaker 1 00:20:11 And the, the, the testimonies I have, um, I like to think, prove it. The coaching aspect is I don't want to create a cookie cutter coaching program. I'm not a guru, not an expert by any such imagination, but it's a coaching program that teaches you how to make an impact in your music, in your community. Anybody can go put houses up, put signs that we buy houses and stuff like that. Whatever. Which I think is a horrible thing. My opinion. So my coaching program is what I teach is we teach wholesaling, we teach the burr method and we teach flipping, no, nothing brand new. What I think makes my coaching, uh, coaching program different is the, the marketing aspect of it. I tell my students, do not go in with the mentality of we buy houses or I'm here to buy the house off you or steal your home. You go in, the mentality is, how can I help? Hmm. That's your mentality when you walk in, it's, and you get that phone call and that marketing piece says, how can I help? Um, probates is a big thing that I do a lot. And that's a, that's an emotional transaction for the person who entered your Speaker 0 00:21:20 Home. Absolutely. Right? And probate is someone that lost someone during Yeah. Prob from a death. And there's an estate typically involved. Correct. Speaker 1 00:21:27 So some people wanna keep their house, but they don't know because they have their busy w2, they didn't realize that their parents' home was falling apart and all this kind of stuff. They're like, Hey, I want to keep, I grew up in this house, I wanna keep this house. Okay, guess what? I have a contractor that can help you fix it. Now you, you do the contractor yourself. Well, what do you, now you, well, if you're telling your students do that, what do your students get from it? What do just tell them, Hey, listen, I'm a big thing. You put it out there, the universe kind of page you Speaker 0 00:21:50 Yeah. Planting Speaker 1 00:21:51 Seeds. Exactly. So if you go in with the lens of how can I help? And as I wanna keep this house, then you find a contractor for them, give 'em three or four, let them call it, and they can deal with the renovation on their own. That will come back to you saying, Hey, thank you very much. I'm, I'm able to keep my house and stuff like that and keep it in the family. Give it to my son, my daughter by whatever. Right. And or they'll say, this is too much of a job. This is too much work. I don't have the time. Do you wanna buy it <laugh>? And that happens. Yeah. Like there's, there's people who wanna stay in, there's people who don't know what to do with it. There's some like, Hey, I wanna keep it, but I don't have the time. Well, I have a contracting company. Speaker 1 00:22:28 We can do the renovation and we can, if you wanna keep it as a rental. I never thought about that. Well, let's have a discussion about that. Right. Once you give people options and given, you know, that those multi lenses, then I think it, it can, it not, I think I know it pays off. So that's what why coach I coach go in offering help, not offering a, we buy houses, we still houses kind of stuff going with the legit, how can I help you concept. And then you listen, you shut your mouth and you listen to what they actually are telling you. And you know, things kind of just fall in place after that. It's weird, but it just does, Speaker 0 00:23:03 I subscribe to the same philosophy and I can tell you from my years in the business and talking to many other investors, everything you said is spot on because, you know, look, everyone, if someone makes your life easier and you know, helps you out. Yeah. Don't you appreciate that? Isn't there value to that? Absolutely. You know, and just think of it from yourself, like, how do you want to be treated? And you know, when someone comes in and you're, you're overwhelmed and stressed out and they can, because they're an expert in something and they can provide a solution, it's extremely valuable. Yeah. And that's what you get paid for is like you said, the value you bring. So that's, so you take that approach in your coaching where you really mm-hmm. <affirmative> coach people to provide value Correct. In their community providing solutions for homeowners and getting paid very well for it. I bet. Speaker 1 00:23:48 Yeah. Yeah. You can. Yeah. Of course. You make a comfortable living. Yeah. I'm not gonna lie about it. Stuff like that, you know, the bills are paid, we, we have nice vacations, so on and so forth. But to be honest, that wasn't the focus. Right. It wasn't to make a whole bunch of money. It was how can I make an impact? Speaker 0 00:24:00 That's awesome. Speaker 1 00:24:01 That, that was the main thing. You know, stuff like that. Even with agents, I think, and again, i I, I don't wanna come off that I'm bashing real estate agents. I am one of realtor, you know, so Sure. Speaker 0 00:24:10 There's a time and a Speaker 1 00:24:11 Place, there's a time and Speaker 0 00:24:12 Place for, it's just not the one one size fits all correct option. Yeah. And when you have these different tools, so Speaker 1 00:24:17 Correct. Even as agent, I can say you can, if you wanna keep the, a realtor hat on, that's fine. Nothing wrong with that. But then build your, build a team up and then empower your team to start making that impact in that way. Because I, listen, when I first started, I was doing the city homes that no one wanted to do the sub $50,000 houses. Right. Back then you could buy a house for $50,000 <laugh>, right? Yeah. Right. So no one wanted to do those houses. They were like I said, there's a need there. Wow. We don't, we don't talk to that unless it's 150,000 or more. It's all we Speaker 0 00:24:44 Want. It's a waste of their time. Right, Speaker 1 00:24:45 Exactly. I'm like, I don't have that luxury. Speaker 0 00:24:47 You were focused on the people and just helping 'em Speaker 1 00:24:49 Out. That's all I wanted. I didn't want a price point. I wanted a people point's. Awesome. What is awesome, the purpose of you to do it. So Speaker 0 00:24:55 I, I love that approach and you know, I know look at the success you've have. You know, you manage 400 doors, you have, uh, you know, very robust wholesaling business, construction business, you know, I know you mentioned offline that your business is mostly all referral. Speaker 1 00:25:12 Yeah. I don't have, I want your buyer's list. I don't have a buyer'ss list. <laugh>. Right. Speaker 0 00:25:16 I don't even Speaker 1 00:25:16 Have a Speaker 0 00:25:16 Landing. Can I get on your buyer's list? You said? Yeah. You're on it. Yeah. <laugh>, I'll let you know. You know, and like, that's it. Yeah. So just you build those relationships. Yeah. You've really come from a help first approach and just, you know, you do the right thing and build this business over time. It's not a get rich quick, but it's, it's a very, um, lucrative business if done the right way. Speaker 1 00:25:36 Yeah. Thank you. And I like to think so, right? Like I never understood, people said, I've got a a thousand buyers, I've got a thousand. Like I do need that many buyers. I don't need it. Yeah. Like, I don't, Speaker 0 00:25:45 Unless you're like national, you know, all over the country or Speaker 1 00:25:48 Something. That's, I guess, but even that you're kinda like, don't really nail that kind of stuff, you know, just, just too Right. By what you have there. And people would just Speaker 0 00:25:54 Be, and, and everyone really should start community based. Speaker 1 00:25:57 Absolutely. Absolutely. Speaker 0 00:25:58 Where absolutely where do you live? You know, what, where can you make an impact? Where can you, um, where can you drive to in 20 minutes? Right? Like, you don't want to be going all over anyway cuz this, this is a boots on the street business. There's a lot of ways to scale it and technology and, you know, digital wholesaling and all that stuff. But yeah, the reality is there's something to be said to face-to-face interactions. These homeowners are dealing with something they need to, they need to have that human interaction and feel comfortable Yeah. Who they're working with. So any tips for someone looking to get started in wholesaling? Speaker 1 00:26:30 You know, if you're, um, whether you're a licensed agent or you're not, okay. If you're looking to get started in wholesaling, uh, just tell, ask yourself how is it you would like to be treated if you're getting ready to lose a home mm-hmm. <affirmative>, just ask yourself that. Yeah. And, and if you let that be your guiding principle, that will take you a long way. Now, not what's that look like? Well, there is a piece of skip tracing all that kind of stuff. But ultimately, like, the goal is to help people. So if you're gonna make an impact, you're gonna help people ask yourself how you would be treated if the home you lived in now was gonna be gone. How would you like to be treated? Just ask that to yourself. And then if you put that emotion into your, your, your business, your marketing, you'll be fine. You really will be fine. Speaker 0 00:27:20 I love that. That's, that's, that's a really like put yourself in their shoes. Absolutely. You know, and, and be compassionate. Understand what they're going through and yeah. So, um, one question I do like to ask sometimes. Yeah. You know, you've been in this business a long time. If you, if you knew what you knew now, <laugh> back when you started. Yeah. Is there anything you would do differently? Speaker 1 00:27:44 That's a good question. Um, I would've, I would've humbled myself sooner than later. I would've admitted to myself that I don't know everything. I would've admitted to myself that I can always be learning something no matter, um, how long I've been in the business. And, um, put yourself out there. Like give yourself credit of what you know, like that I would say if I had to pick anything hum on myself, number one, put your ego aside, number two, and pat yourself on the back. That's okay. You're not bragging. You have something special to share with your experiences. Own Speaker 0 00:28:26 It. Yep. That's awesome. Stuff like that. That's great advice. Speaker 1 00:28:28 That would be what I would suggest. Speaker 0 00:28:30 Yeah. So if anyone's interested in working with you Yeah. Um, can they reach out to you? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:28:37 So you gonna a website nav musa.com. Um, n a v i d m o o s a.com. Um, go there. You can, you can email me and you actually get me, you don't get like, Speaker 0 00:28:47 Not a virtual system. Speaker 1 00:28:48 You're not get a virtual system AI talking to you or anything like that. Um, chat bot chat bott a chat bott. You actually physically you, you get me. You actually get a hold of me directly. I'm also on TikTok, uh, at the Navi Musa Instagram at the Navi Musa LinkedIn, same thing. Um, you can get a hold of me and talk to me there. I, and I legit just wanna help. Like it's not this financially. I'm fine. I don't need any more. My adult. Yeah, I'm good. It's just, I really just wanna help people. Whatever that looks like. It's whatever that looks like. Speaker 0 00:29:16 Well we appreciate your authenticity coming from a good place. I've really, I, I've said it a couple times, but like that help first approach is just super apparent in how you run your business. So thank you very much. Thanks. Thanks for having coming out today. I appreciate, we hope you guys found this valuable. Um, please reach out to NAV if you feel like you could subscribe to his philosophy, possibly want to be on his buyer's list or work with him. Uh, what areas do you cover? Speaker 1 00:29:40 So we're, uh, Berks County mainly, but we do cover Berks, Pennsylvania, Burkes County, Montgomery County. We do Chester and Delaware and stuff like that. We're based in, my office is in Montgomery County, PA Potstown, uh, I have a warehouse and wholesale team based out of Berks. Um, and, but we are growing. Speaker 0 00:29:56 And then coaching is, is coaching is online. Is there any geographic restrictions to that? Speaker 1 00:30:00 No, there's no geographic, but I, i, I cap it at 12 students per quarter. Speaker 0 00:30:04 That's good. So you can actually pour into them. Speaker 1 00:30:07 Yes, I, I was just talking to, to, um, hi mek. Uh, we're just talking to Melin about it where I have two 12 students per quarter for a reason. It allows me to actually have one-on-one interaction with them, so they are truly getting my time. Yeah. So the next course launches in in April and it's a quarterly course. Um, it maxes out at 12 and then I've got people already signed up for that April class. Uh, but there is room for there for that one over there, but I do limit it at 12. It's not a geographical, but it's physically cap 12 people. That's it. Speaker 0 00:30:36 All right. Well you better get on getting on there and get on the waiting list then, so. Yeah. Great. All right, now, thank you very much. I Speaker 1 00:30:41 Appreciate it man. Thank you very much. Speaker 0 00:30:44 Thank you for tuning in to the Investor Agent podcast today. We hope you found it valuable. Please tune in weekly@theinvestoragents.com.

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